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Boo TWC!

I pay an extra $30 per month for this…

— ping statistics —
714 packets transmitted, 391 packets received, 45.2% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 31.228/49.364/129.503/18.189 ms

Meatfull Manicotti

I make meatless manicotti at least once a month; it’s one of my favorite recipes. I think this week I might try my hand at some meatfull manicotti and see if it can live up to the spinach-y deliciousness of the meatless version. In the cochles (cockles?) of my heart lives doubt.

Birthplace Worries

I had another meeting with our HR representative this week. It looks like getting my birth center covered by insurance isn’t likely to happen. That leaves two alternatives. The first is moving forward with a birth that’s not covered (at least not in network). The second is to choose a hospital birth through a covered OB/Gyn. Read the rest of this entry

Too much working

I spend too much time working or thinking about work. I haven’t really done anything else since I last posted. I wonder if I should rethink posting about work, or if I should maybe try posting more little things as I think them or they happen.

Well, off to work 😉

Eight Too Short Topics

None of these things are really worth devoting an entire post to, but there hasn’t been much earth shattering going on recently.

1. I wonder if I broke a toe. I stubbed my little toe on a brick yesterday, and despite icing it within about 5 minutes, it’s swollen and purple and hard to walk on. I’m pretty sure the only purpose the little toe serves is to remind us all to be glad for modern medicine. You can break just about any other bone in your body, and they can do *something* for you. (Although I hear that taping broken ribs really doesn’t help much). But break a toe and your options are to tape it to the toe next to it, or don’t.

2. Fee has a new collar as well as a microchip! In an effort to distinguish him from those cats whose owners just leave a bowl of food outside, I tried to make it explicit that if you see him you should call me. If he were a teenager he would kill me for this: Read the rest of this entry

Testing an app

Testing out writing from an app. Excitement at its best, to be sure!

But can I add this adorable picture?



Dinner with Sarah

Sarah insists on being around me no matter what I’m doing tonight. In this case, making dinner. It’s adorable but I keep worrying I’m going to step on her tail.


Sorry it’s blurry. Getting a picture of a ferret that isn’t blurry is harder than you might think if you’ve never tried. The ability to hold still is not a defining characteristic of a healthy ferret.

I want a ferretcam

You know, so that I could watch my ferrets be adorable at any time. A few hours a day isn’t enough to fully absorb all the cuteness. I’m watching this one for now.

Feeling relaxed

I had a pretty long day today, partly due to insufficient sleep last night. I wasn’t ready to go to bed at bedtime, so instead I finished my book. Right before I was going to head to bed, I checked FB one last time. I saw one post stating Obama was dead, and I freaked out a little. I scrolled down to see what other people were saying, but it was mostly just excitement about something. Wide awake, I turned on the TV. I’m very very glad Obama is not actually dead, and that it was a simple typo/autocorrect. But then I watched the news for a while before slinking off to bed. So now I am sleepy and relaxed and very very content with the weather (56 and drizzly). Why doesn’t Texas have more weather like this? Once my chinese delivery shows up, my life (or at least my evening) will be complete.

I wonder if I should go find out what one of the ferrets is into. It sounds like it might be the pots and pans…

The Intrepid Explorer Returns

Fee came walking around the corner of the house this morning, totally unfazed and apparently looking for breakfast and a comfy place to curl up for a nap. And now I know what to spend that gift card on. A microchip and collar are coming soon to a cat near you.

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